SKU: 21520-001110


Netafim Pressure Compensating Dripper for Precision Irrigation

Note: Woodpecker Pressure Compensating Junior Dripper pairs with Netafim MOD (Multi-Outlet Dripper) w/ (Short) Angle Arrow Dripper

The Netafim PCJ dripper, or "Woodpecker Jr." is the world's leading pressure compensating dripper both in quality and number of installations. The advanced PC design of the Netafim emitter gives a uniform and accurate flow rate over a wide range of input pressures. A built-in CNL check valve shuts off flow when pressure drops below a preset value, preventing lines from draining to their lowest point. Finally, the precision-molded flow channel is highly resistant to clogging. Use Netafim PCJ drippers when you need accurately controlled water application.

While the picture shown is identical to the barbed variant due to limited photo resources at this time, they are different products and we apologize for the confusion.


  • Wide water passages, improves clogging resistance.
  • PC system, patented pressure differential system maintains uniform flow rate at different inlet working pressure (in the recommended working pressure range), ensuring exact distribution of the water and nutrients.
  • Continuous self-flushing system, improves resistance to clogging.
  • Anti drain (CNL) system, optional model, eliminates drainage and refill effect, improves efficiency in pulse irrigation.
  • Number of emitters can be increased so as to increase water quantity supply aimed at meeting tree growth rate requirement.
  • Allows the installation of “spider assembly”, splitting the water supply to a number of outlets and/or PC spray stake units.


  • Working pressure: 1.0 to 4.0 bar (1.3 to 4.0 bar in the 40 l/h).
  • Large water passages.
  • Recommended filtration: 130 micron / 120 mesh.

Filtration method is to be selected based on the kind and concentration of the dirt particles existing in the water. Wherever sand exceeding 2 ppm exists in the water, a Hydrocyclone is to be installed before the main filter. When sand/ silt/ clay solids exceed 100 ppm, pre treatment will be applied according to Netafim™ expert team’s instructions.

  • 5 different flow rates.
  • 3 different outlets: nipple, barb to 3 mm ID and barb to 4 mm ID. micro-tube.
  • To be “inserted” into thick- walled pipes (0.90, 1.00, 1.20 mm).
  • Injected emitter, very low CV.
  • Injected silicon diaphragm.

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