Graco Pneumatic Diaphragm Pump for Ethanol

SKU: D54311

Temp Range:

Graco Pneumatic Diaphragm Pump for Ethanol

This air driven diaphragm pump is designed to be used with ethanol filtration, pumping processes, and BVV Centrifuges. It's unique rugged design can withstand temperatures from -40C to -80C. The inner diaphragms are made out of PTFE and the main body of the pump is made out of 316 Stainless Steel.

The pre-built version comes with a 0-160 psi pressure gauge, mini ball valve, and 1.5" Tri-Clamp connections for the inlet and outlet ports.

Specifications -40C -80C
Power Source Air Operated
Certification Required No Certifications ATEX
Fluid Section Material Stainless Steel
Pump Inlet/Outlet 716-3/4 Inc, 16gpm (19mm, 61lpm)
Center Section Polypropylene Standard Air Vale (NPT)
Porting SST Standard Porting (NPT)
Seats 316 SST
Balls PTFE
Diaphragms PTFE  PTFE Overmolded
Manifold O-rings PTFE
Max Operating Temp. 220°F (105°C)

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