SKU: 74340-006700


NMC Junior Pro System Manager

Automation maximizes your irrigation investment by allowing you to leverage the full capacity of your irrigation system. Research with both permanent and annual crops has shown that irrigation and fertilizer application in a well-managed system provides the highest yield and quality responses. Automation allows you to schedule, operate and log your actions and remain secure in the knowledge that the irrigation and fertigation schedules you set will occur when and how you expect.

Operate, Monitor and Maximize Your Irrigation System Performance

The NMC Junior Pro is an economically priced, multi-functional irrigation controller for small and medium applications. It’s a modular controller with 15 flexible outputs that operate your entire irrigation system improving irrigation efficiencies and fertilizer injection functions. NMC Junior Pro operates, monitors and maximizes the performance of your irrigation system.

Features & Benefits

  • Improves plant response through timely irrigation and fertilization
  • Maximizes nutrient availability (especially in subsurface drip irrigation) by maintaining appropriate irrigation water pH
  • Achieves high system uniformity through continuous treatment preventing emitter plugging
  • Reduces and/or optimizes water, energy, labor, chemicals and fertilizer inputs

Product Advantages

  • A modular, cost-effective multi-functional controller.
  • Operational versatility with local PC software or mobile/web remote control with NMC Air program.
  • Precise EC and pH control and monitoring for improved fertilizer availability.
  • Friendly and simple user interface with large graphic LCD display which is easy to read and easy to program.
  • Real-time and historical records help you evaluate and manage the irrigation system.
  • Removable program memory back-up key keeps all programs safe and secure eliminating reprogramming to restore settings.
  • Upgrade kit available to convert NMC Junior to NMC Junior Pro.


  • Irrigation:
    Based on a dosing program, a water runtime program and an irrigation program. The irrigation starts by either time, conditions, VPD sum and radiation sum.
  • Filter Flushing:
    Starts according to time and/or delta pressure.
  • Cooling:
    Based on time and the actual temperature and relative humidity sensors.
  • Misting:
    Starts at a scheduled time. This program can also be used as a simple timer program.



15 Flexible Outputs – configured according to the field application

  • Up to 15 valves (irrigation/cooling/misting)
  • Up to 6 booster pumps
  • Up to 1 main valve
  • Up to 8 fertilizer dosing channels
  • Up to 3 agitators
  • Up to 15 backflush filter valves


6 Digital Inputs

  • For water meter, fertilizer meter or pressure switch

5 Analog Inputs

  • For EC, pH, temperature x 2 and relative humidity x 2

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