Method Seven Blurple LED Grow Room Glasses



HPS Grow Glasses

Method Seven offers the ultimate grow room glasses for the blinding yellow spectrum of High Pressure Sodium lights. Our Crystal HPS lenses, made from German mineral glass, are the top choice for professionals seeking peak performance and maximum yield. Scratch-resistant and optimized to perfection, they’ve been the best since 2010.

For larger crews, our polycarbonate HPS glasses are an excellent value. Made by Carl Zeiss, they feature Method Seven's notch filtering technology in lightweight, shatterproof, ANZI and CSA certified frames. Every pair offers 100% UV protection and third-party testing.

Whether you're a solo grower or managing a large team, Method Seven provides the best eyewear in the industry. Don’t compromise with cheap imitations and risk your eyesight. Protect your vision like you would with sunscreen at the beach. Don't grow blind.

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