Tom's Tumbler - Liquid CO2 Adaptor Kit

SKU: TTTCO2-2600


Trim your flower wet or extract your pollen faster than ever before with our Liquid CO2 Kit Adapter. By flash freezing your sugar leaves, you’ll be able to easily tumble trim your flowers without drying them first. Note: This is an inferior process compared to curing flowers first and then tumble trimming without using CO2 but is an effective way to fresh trim.

  • Decreases extraction time significantly
  • Extremely easy to set up and use
  • Compatible with any of Tom’s Tumble Trimmers
  • Adaptable for wet and semi-dry trimming
  • Ships worldwide


The CO2 trimming adapter kit infuses liquid CO2 throughout custom perforated axels to provide full coverage of all of your flowers while maintaining our user friendly open system funnel flow system. You’ll get everything you need to set up and use your liquid CO2 kit, so you don’t need any previous experience to get it working. If you insist on fresh trimming or want to collect live resin kief, the liquid CO2 adapter kit will work great.


  • Custom liquid CO2 rotation valve
  • Low temp hose 
  • Precision flow tube bearing coupler 
  • Custom perforated axle and adapters required to attach the liquid CO2 tank
  • Very user-friendly
  • Accelerates wet trimming process
  • Pairs perfectly with our pollen mesh for extracting fine particles
  • Speed up your extraction methods
  • Compatible with any of our tumble trimmers
  • NOTE: liquid CO2 tank not included

About Our Bladeless Technology

Trimmers with big blades damage the structure and integrity of the flower and cut off more trichomes and crystals than what’s necessary. With our bladeless technology, the flowers rub together against each other using friction, rubbing off sugar leaf trim in a more natural process. Not only will you have better-looking flowers, but the sugar leaf trim falls into an independent tote for an easy and fast process.

Cut Your Wet Trimming Process in Half

If you’re already using one of our dry trimmers, you can easily add on the liquid CO2 adapter kit and start wet trimming immediately.

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