Li’l Bud-D Cart

SKU: HS15-5


Proportional and on-demand mixing & dispensing system provides consistent dilution of chemical concentrates. The 5-gallon Li'l Bud-D Cart is made of polyethylene and includes a 5-gallon bucket with lid. The Li'l Bud-D accommodates the 11 and 14 GPM Dosatron injectors. (Dosatron injectors, and hook-up kit sold separately.) Provides consistent dilution of chemical concentrates. Perfect for diluting Quaternary Ammonium Compound (QUAT), Bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite), or PAA (Peracetic Acid). NOTE: Please follow manufacturer’s instructions for product dilution, application, and proper ventilation. Check chemical compatibility before mixing. Always use the reccommended PPE for product handling.

Li'l Bud-D Cart Hook-Up Kit for the 11 and 14 GPM Dosatron Injectors. (Dosatron injectors, and hook-up kit sold separately.)

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