Ecostadt Ecoworks EC 2.5 Gal



Product Features
Manufactured using 100% high quality Neem seed kernals from selective regions from South India.Formulated with cold processed Neem oil as AI and food grade formulation inerts. Balanced formulation with Azadirachtins, hundreds of neem limonoids, fatty acids, esters and synergistic inerts for superior bioactivity.Micro-emulsion formulation with good wetting, sticking, UV stability and residual activity.Versatile formulation with natural unique Neem aroma. 4-in-1 product- insecticide, miticide, nematicide & fungicide. Acts as Repellent, Anti-feedant, Growth regulator and life cycle disruptor for insect pests & mites. Acts as Mycelial disruptor and overall growth disruptor on fungal pathogens. Broad spectrum of activity on pests and fungal pathogens. Low application rates with superior biological activity. Superior bioactivity on spider mites and powdery mildew on indoor crops. Product labelled with 4 hour REI and Zero day Pre-harvest intervals. Product may be applied until the time of harvest. Please review label conditions. Use foliar, drip, drench and Hydroponic systems. Compatible with all  agrochemicals and nutrients. Read label for further details. High degree safety to beneficial insects and honeybees. Follow label guidelines when used in IPM practices.

Certified as an Organic crop input by OMRI and USDA-NOP.

Product Use Recommendations
Use 1-4 pints/acre for outdoor and row crops. Use lower rates for low pest and higher rates for severe pest infestation.

Use 2-4 pints/100 gallon / 50000 Sq. ft. Use lower rates for low infestation and higher rates for severe pest infestation.

Use 10 ml/ gallon as foliar for garden and in soil-less crops.

Use 0.5-2.0 ml/ gallon for drench and soil-less/hydroponic re-circulatory uses.

Review label before use for complete instructions.

Product Application
Apply as soon as pest and disease infestation is observed for effective control.

Use at 7-14 day intervals and apply multiple applications if necessary. Use at least 2 -3 applications in case of high pest infestation.

Spray morning or evening hours and during dark cycle in hydroponic uses. Use product with a pH range of 5.5 to 7.0 for improved efficacy. May be tank mixed with pesticides, fungicides and nutrients. Check compatibility with high alkaline and acidic products before tank mixing. Refer labels for more details dose rates and product usage.

Recommended crops
Recommended for all crops including vegetables, fruit trees, nut trees, row crops, feed and forage crops, ornamental trees, flowers, shrubs, container plants, turf and public greens.

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