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SKU: 120199
AXXE Broad Spectrum Herbicide is a soap product that penetrates the cell walls of plants. This will disrupt the cellular organization of physiological functions that are compartmentalized by membranes within the cell walls. Plant growth ceases when cellular contents are mixed, which causes brown necrotic plant tissue.
Broadcast spray for weed control for no-till planting or seedbed preparation to control weeds prior to seeding or transplanting. Spot sprays may be used in crops, ornamentals, pastures and turf.
Broadcast or strip applications before seeds germinate and emerge, and before perennial plants, tubers, bulbs or seed pieces sprout and emerge.
Apply to weeds in walkways, driveways, parking areas and around buildings or structures. Broadcast or spot sprays may be applied to open field areas and rights-of-way.
Spray nozzle type or configuration for directed spray or a shield placed around the nozzle to prevent spray contact on the foliage or green stems or back. Use directed/shielded spray applications to the area between plastic mulch strips and staked crops for weed control.
Apply after crops are harvested to kill broadleaf weeds and grasses and residual green growth of the crop plants. Apply to dormant crops such as alfalfa or turf.
Direct spray to kill small tender basal suckers in crops such as brambles and fruit trees.
Apply only when crop is ready to harvest and green crop leaves or broadleaf weeds and grasses interfere with harvest. Spray as a broadcast application over the crop and weeds for rapid desiccation of green plant growth to facilitate harvest. Apply as a harvest aid for cotton, potatoes, and other root, tuber and bulb vegetables.