American Grow Products - Racking/Benching/Air Flow System (CUSTOM PRICED AFTER ORDER)



American Grow Products

We Design and Manufacture Rolling Benches / Grow Tables, V-Track Rolling Benches and Clone Racks.

Rolling Benches / Grow Tables

Our Grow Tables and Rolling Benches are designed to increase your flower crop by 30% or more. We bring 30+ years of production knowledge and know-how to every product design we create.

V-Track Rolling Benches

V-Track Rolling Benches.

V-Track Rolling Benches give the same benefits as our regular Rolling Benches, but instead of the table moving from side to side on a fixed base, the entire table moves by-way-of heavy-duty rollers on a floor-mounted V-Track.

V-Track Rolling Benches

Double-Stack V-Track Rolling Benches

Double-Stack V-Track Rolling Benches allow you to increase the number of tables by 100%, (compared to single level tables) with the end result being a 160% canopy increase over stationary tables with dedicated aisles.

Double-Stack V-Track

Triple-Stack V-Track Rolling Benches

Our Triple-Stack system is designed to maximize your growing area beyond what our Double Stack system provides.

Clone Racks

Introducing AGPs new Clone Racks. Our cloning rack system consists of 100% machined aluminum. Easy to assemble.  Lighting and clone domes NOT INCLUDED.  Locking casters for easy maneuverability.

Clone Racks

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